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Hip Hamstring and Low Back Stretches
■ ■ ■ Downward Dog
Hamstring and low back stretch
- Arms straight, head down
- Look at belly button, keep hips rotated forward
- Do not round back

■ ■ ■ Triangle Pose
Hamstring stretch
- Keep both knees straight.
- Use block or chair or ball for support until you can reach floor

■ ■ ■ Pyramid Pose
Hamstring and low back stretch
- Keep knees straight.
- Use block, chair or ball for support if needed.
- When bending forward keep back flat as long as possible
until final fold to reach floor

■ ■ ■ Cresent Lunge

■ ■ ■ Hip Flexor Stretch
Hip flexor stretch
- Do not bend knee too much until it is comfortable.
- Slowly lower torso to floor to increase stretch.

■ ■ ■ Reclined Spinal Twists
Hip IT band, Low back stretches
- Slow steady stretches not ballistic

■ ■ ■ Internal Hips
Hips (internal)
- Slowly straighten knees to 90° and gradually lower torso to floor

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